Massage Training School

Breathwork for Massage Therapist

We provide a chance for professional massage Training to practicing therapists too! Therapy can be fulfilling in the way that you get to help people. On the other hand, it can be a bit draining as well since you give so much of yourself and put your heart and soul in for each session.
After you’ve been doing this for a while, you can end up feeling drained and tired of doing the same thing over and over again too. Therapists can experience burnout just as any other professional can.
Most therapists quit because they get tired of doing the same thing over and over again. Learning new techniques can help make things more exciting and break the monotony of the routine. Breathwork can also bring contentment to your life!

⦁ Lomi Lomi Massage
It is an ancient Hawaiian massage technique that has vast benefits. We offer a top-rated massage course here. There are currently very few places that offer Lomi Lomi massage techniques, and all of those places are not affordable for most people.
Lomi Lomi is a superior nude full-body massage and being able to deliver it is a gift that you can receive too. Our massage therapist course is not only affordable but also the best coming from a mentor with over 10 years of experience in this field alone and an overall experience of 24 years.

⦁ What You Will Learn:
1. In-Depth Understanding
You will gain an in-depth understanding of the message and its essence. You will learn to be a certified full-body massager in no time.
2. Multiple Techniques
It is an opportunity to learn multiple breathwork techniques so you can incorporate them with your previous knowledge and make something new according to what your clients require.
3. Hawaiian Holistic Values
We provide massage workshops that are designed according to Hawaiian Holistic Values. You get to experience something greater outside of yourself by becoming one with nature and the soul of the universe.
4. Full Body Massage
You can learn to perform a full body massage that involves the entire body all at once rather than focusing on parts. It is designed in line with the Holistic values of the culture it is adopted from. And all of this is available at a very affordable full-body massage cost.
5. Loving Hands Massage
Lomi Lomi is also known as the loving hands’ massage as it is supposed to be the nurturing guide that helps the hurting people towards healing with a firm and gentle touch. It is the most sought physical therapy massage as of now! Our mentor, Jen, has understood the true meaning of this and she wished to spread the love forward through you!
6. Activate Your Mana
This massage can help activate your mana, the force of life within you. This is the very thing that keeps life moving forward for all of us. We get stressed and depressed when the flow of Mana through us is interrupted. Learn body massage techniques like Lomi Lomi, a wave-like massage that can improve the Mana flow through you.

Healing yourself is the first step to being a good massage therapist. We provide an opportunity to learn techniques that you can use for yourself and experience their healing power before sharing them forward with your loved ones and clients.

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